Grow your direct bookings

Maximize Revenue and Enhance Guest Satisfaction with Direct Bookings
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Website Options

Take charge of your website

Your website, your way: Unmatched flexibility with RNS - let us build it, seamlessly integrate our booking page to your existing website, or dive into full customization using our powerful API.
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RNS Hosted Website

Empower your online presence with RNS's website building capabilities, allowing you to create and customize your website within our software, ensuring easy updates and modifications tailored to your needs.
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RNS Integrated Website

Maintain the integrity of your website's design while enhancing functionality with RNS's online booking integration. Seamlessly integrate our booking system into your existing website, allowing guests to make reservations without compromising your site's aesthetic appeal.
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REST API Website

Use your in-house web development team or leverage one of our trusted partners to build a customized and robust online presence for your business.

Boost Bookings and Loyalty

Unleash the power of your own website for business growth

Convert Inquiries to Guests

Capture prospective guest information in our inquiry form so your team can follow up and turn them into guests.

Online Owner Login

Offer owners seamless access to book their properties and run insightful reports.

Showcase Your Portfoilo

Group your properties in infinite ways so your guests understand your diverse offerings.

Online Guest Login

Grant your guests easy access to pay for their accomodations and explore personalized services for a memorable stay.

Easy Website Edits

Effortlessly edit and enhance your website directly within RNS VR, ensuring your online presence remains dynamic and aligned with your evolving business goals.

Integrated Payments

Simplify payments with integrated credit card processing, ensuring security and efficient cash flow management.